Wednesday, May 2, 2007

extreme boob art - japan

Just what is it about this that makes it art, and not just bigguns attached to a doll? (click on image to see more)

What separates it from the banality of porn? How does it operate on the level of aesthetic experience? Is there subtlety, multiplicity, simultaneity? Complexity in resistance? Potential for transformation? What role does cultural specificity or context play in the reading or experiencing of the work, and does it translate across borders?

Is it desirable, or even possible, to define "quality" in aesthetic experience?

1 comment:

shapeshifter said...

I think this is hilarious. It addresses our culture's and the world's obsession with boobs. i have seen extreme boob jobs but this is taking it to a whole other level! It's so extreme that it ridiculous our society with a weird sculpture. Taling something out of its proportions and making it monumental alone makes it art. An artists exaggerates to point out things that the audience might not question if not seen distorted and exaggerated. The picture with all the japanese dudes making those sculptures in defferent sizes is just great and so is the picture of the final sculptures together. it's so weird and will most likely evoke wild reactions that it definitely makes it art in my mind.

Your questions: Just what is it about this that makes it art, and not just bigguns attached to a doll?

It's like asking what makes a Warhol Campbell soup art and not just a picture of a soup painterd on canvas.

What separates it from the banality of porn?

The above stated. If it was porn it would only evoke sexual arousal. It might do this it some which art has a right to do, but I'm sure it also evokes other reacions such as humor, surprise, emotional reactions and thought.

How does it operate on the level of aesthetic experience?

Aesthetic experience is a wide arena. What some might consider ugly, might be beautiful top others. even ugly or kitsch is an aesthetic experience. Art doesn't always have to be about aesthetics.

Is there subtlety, multiplicity, simultaneity?

I would say so in the last two pictures LOL

Complexity in resistance?

You might be resisting it:) I just want to touch it. just kidding.

Potential for transformation?

As soon as it starts a process of questioning or offers a different view of something it contains potential for transformation.

What role does cultural specificity or context play in the reading or experiencing of the work, and does it translate across borders?

I think this is a pretty global image:)