Friday, July 6, 2007

Post-Opening Syndrome: Symptoms, Treatment?

In the week and a half since a group show I'm in opened, I've experienced

extreme craving for recognition, praise, accolades
consumption by vanity

all of which put me at risk for behaviors that had nothing to do with making good, honest art, and everything to do with ego-centrism. With that driving force, I did discover a couple of resources for artists obsessed with their own so-called "success" . . .

1. Reconnaissance: Google Alerts -- you can have Google scour the web, news, blogs, and groups, to keep you informed on a daily basis via e-mail of any postings with YOUR NAME or any other search terms you wish (e.g. show or gallery name, etc.). This way you don't have to keep obsessively googling your name to see if anyone likes you. (Actually a useful tool to yourself keep posted on developments in subjects of interest in your work).

2. Free promo? -- if you have a sample jpg of your work, brief bio/statement, and a website to refer to, it looks like these folks will do random free promotion of you and your work. You have to submit a proposal, but from a brief glance, looks like a range of artists at various levels of development. (Now, to get a website . . . but is that a good use of a true artist's time? I mean neither Michael Arcega nor Daniel Joseph Martinez have websites . . .).

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