Wednesday, April 11, 2007

asian drawing portal


shapeshifter said...

Who posted this? What is this? Ivonne

shapeshifter said...

scott did. but i want to point out that anonymity of authorship can be a valuable attribute in the way we've set up this blog. unlike neo-con concerns that web anonymity leads to irresponsible behavior, we have an opportunity to turn it to our advantage in a new context.

one of the main obstacles we face as artists is our own egos. by blogging as ever-changing anonymous shapeshifter, we won't get attached to our own individual ideas and opinions, we divest ourselves of being "right" as we debate ideas and issues that we struggle with in our creative practices.

the focus here can be on the quality of ideas themselves, rather than individual identity or ownership.

what do you think?

shapeshifter said...

Interesting thought. I think anonymity is fine. Autorship shouldn't be necessarily excluded though. It should be up to the author. Ego isn't necessarily a bad thing. We also need to strengthen it when we deal with the art world and audiences in the real world. There might also be something as group-ego?:)