Thursday, April 19, 2007

Reminder: It's all about the Ideas/Medium is just medium

You're known for highly stylized, aesthetically seductive films. With Dumbland, it seems you're exploring the other end of the visual spectrum. Is running the gamut from high to low part of your obligation as artist? Has it been cathartic for you?

No, it's not about that at all. It has to do with the ideas. When you get an idea, it tells you pretty much everything you need to know. There are 65mm ideas, and then there are crude Flash ideas, and then there are DVD ideas or painting ideas or furniture ideas. When I started getting ideas for one thing after another, they just happened to go with the drawing style you see in Dumbland. And as I'd do the drawings, more and more ideas would come to me.

--David Lynch, interviewed in Juxtapoz, March 2006 #62, p37.

Artists transform material, and that material can be almost anything, including ideas or social formations. This is what Beuys meant by “social sculpture.” For Beuys, art involved the transformation of matter into spirit.

--David Levi Strauss

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